Mate Herb

Learn why to use mate

For centuries, the Ilex paraguariensis plant has been used as a source of energy and vitality. For the Indians, a drink offered by the gods to strengthen the old warriors.

Nowadays, science assists in proving indigenous belief: yerba mate contains nourishing properties to the human body, with natural stimulants, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

And that's why this plant inspires us so much. Let mate Bonetes inspire you too.

Mate Benefits

Let our mate inspire you


Mate contains high proportion of vitamin E which is important in sexual functions, and also for the skin. In it also contains vitamins of the complex B, C, and D. In its composition are: calcium, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, potassium, manganese, among others. That is, almost a complete food as a drink.

Aesthetic action

The mate herb besides being a mental and muscular stimulant due to the caffeine, it helps in the increase of the metabolism and the caloric expenditure, that causes in the loss of weight, along with the action of the antioxidants that combat the cellular aging.

Great for the heart

The mate has a vasodilatory and lipid-lowering action. That is, it helps in reducing bad cholesterol levels, aiding in the prevention of heart and vascular diseases.

Digestive and diuretic

It facilitates the digestion, favoring the evacuation and helps in the functioning of the kidneys, having diuretic action and being great for those who have problems with retention of liquids.


In Planalto Norte Catarinense is the best raw material of native herbs, because it is a very rich region, with climate and soil suitable for plant growth. The region has small and medium producers that help in supplying the industry, conveying the confidence and quality we need. In our herbs the harvest is carried out all year round and receives all necessary care.

In industry


When received, the leaf herb undergoes an evaluation of the Quality Control so that the raw material is within the Bonnets receiving specifications.


Once approved, the yerba mate leaf goes through dehydration, where all the moisture is removed through an automatic drying system, ensuring quality at this stage of production. With this, it becomes a pre-prepared raw material, called erva cancheada.


Then it is destined for the jib to be milled, and the leaves become the living green of our traditional Charme and Pantanal “chimarrão”.


It can also be intended to its preparation to the external market, where it needs to be stored for a rest of the leaf between 1 and 2 years, turning yellow.


The last step is to be packaged, we currently have 5 machines and an air-conditioned expedition for better conditioning of its “chimarrão”.


We are alert and vigilant in every detail of the process to obtain superior quality, with selected raw material and inspected by our Quality Control during all stages of production.